Saturday, August 05, 2006

Carlos Mencia is not funny.

There's really nothing else that needs to be written. But I'm gonna write some more about it anyway.

I watched his show when it first came out, thinking "Hey, Comedy Central usually doesn't steer me wrong. Chapelle's Show, Reno 911, South Park, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report... All funny original programming." Well, when I didn't so much as crack a smile during the entire episode, I realized that there was an exception to every rule. And this was a fucking lousy exception. Who finds this show funny?

"Wetbacks, beaners, spic, Home Depot, dee-dee-dee, black people, white people, dee-dee-dee, beaner, wetback, beaner, wetback, beaner, wetback, dee-dee-dee."


Fuck that. I have no problem with racially based humor, or so-called politically incorrect humor, when done correctly. You know... funny.

But this fucker isn't funny. The people who laugh at him are probably the same people that voted Dat Phan the winner of Last Comic Standing. I don't think I'll ever understand people.

Mind of Mencia is going on it's 3rd season or something. I've watched two episodes, and never once laughed. Not an exaggeration. I didn't laugh once in the hour of show that I watched. That's not the reaction one should get from a supposed comedy show. I watched a few minutes of his standup special, and also didn't laugh at that at all. His only shtick is talking in a stereotypical "retard" voice, or in some stupid Speedy Gonzalez-esque Spanish accent. It would be funny if his material was actually, I don't know, humorous in some way.

His supporters, dumbasses that they may be, will say "You just don't get it."

Well, fuck you. I do get it, it's just not funny. At all.

"Millions of people watch his show."

Think of how many stupid people you know, then think of how many stupid people they must know, and so on. Eventually, you'll come to the realization that there are millions of stupid people in this world. Plus, you yourself are probably an idiot if you think Mencia is funny.


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